Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Every Thursday morning we head over to the rec center for a little bit o' elastics.... or gymnastics! Kate just adores her gymnastics class and does a different routine each week. She's worked on the parallel bars, balance beam, rings, pummel horse and floor. She is a very proud girl and loves to show us her tricks at home. Kate pays attention and minds her teachers very well. And last, but not least. Kate is the cutest little bug in her class! 

1 comment:

Mel said...

We use to be there every Tuesday & Thursdau @ 10:45, but Siona just switched classed to Monday & Wednesday @ 4 - 5:30. We love it there. Maybe we'll see you sometime.

Chet's wife, Tiff, is also one of the coaches. Watch for her. :)


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