Thursday, August 18, 2011

Facebook Email to Wing

It's always nice to hear that your struggles have helped someone in need. We've never met Lyssa, but we are so grateful that she shared this experience with us. I'm not posting this to brag, but to remember this experience in the future. Thanks Lyssa!


Hi Wing.

I am not the most eloquent person, but I will try my best to get my message and gratitude to come through.

I have been struggling for some time to get myself and my 3 children to church. I have endeavoured to keep up a positive and happy countenance for my children and friends. But honestly, I have been losing steam.

I prayed and actually asked Heavenly Father for a sign that I should make the seemingly impossible effort to get myself and my children to church.

The next day on facebook, I saw a link via DeafTV to your viral signs interpretation of the little boy going to the dentist. Even though the video was hilarious, watching you sign warmed my heart. Afterwards I had a fleeting thought that maybe, ironically, THAT was the "sign" I had asked for.

I went back to facebook and looked you up. When I saw the photos of your beautiful wife and children I knew you were a forever family. Again, I felt warmth in my heart.

My children and I attended church on Sunday and we were welcomed back beyond what I can explain. We all felt the spirit SO strongly and left our meetings with such peace in our hearts.

Wing and Melissa. I want to thank you for the love of your family. I saw it and I felt it when I looked at your photos.
My children and I have returned to the fold and we have you to thank.

Lyssa Gray

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