On Friday, Grace participated in the "We Sing America" second grade program. She was very excited to perform and just loved the songs. Once her part was memorized, she memorized a bunch of other kids parts just in case they needed some help, got sick or had stage fright. This is such a wonderful development for Grace. She is no longer anxious about things and her confidence just keeps growing and growing. Wing and I just beam with happiness when we see our teeny-tiny Gracee mature into the beautiful girl we have always seen inside of her.
Grace's part was on the state of North Dakota. She said, "North Dakota. There is a place in North Dakota called Bad Lands. Do you know why? Because the pioneers found it hard to get by." She sometimes got mixed up and said "Bed Lands" on accident. I think the pioneers might have got too comfortable in the "Bed Lands" and would have never come all the way out west. Good thing they were in the Bad Lands instead!
Grace is on the top row signing her little heart out. Her favorite song was "The Grand Ol' Flag." Doesn't she just look adorable and so grown up at the same time!?
This is Grace's teacher, Ms Rehm. Parker also had her as teacher in second grade, so we feel like she is an old friend of the family. Grace told Ms. Rehm that she was so excited to preform in the program and couldn't wait to get started! Ms. Rehm thinks that Grace is a natural born actress. Great job Grace!
I salute you Gracee!! Your look so patriotic and beautiful at the same time. No. Dakota was definitely lucky you got it! Well Hollywood here comes another STAR!!! I love your song too. Grand Old Flag is one of my favorites to sing also. Red, white and blue looks awful good on you and your teacher is definitely lucky to have you as one of her students!
XOXO Granny D.
You are a great mom! I did bring my camera and video taped two of their songs, but it doesn't zoom in very well so you can't even tell it is Mason. I should steal your picture. It's much better. All the kids did great on their parts, but I was very impressed with how clear Grace's part was. She did it perfectly! :-)
Congratulations Grace and Kate on your great performances. Thumbs up to both of you!
Go Gracie...it's your birthday!!! I'm so glad your patriotic performance went so GREAT!! Your mom told me that you did WONDERFUL!!! I know that the state of North Dakota was proud to have YOU represent them. Love ya tons and I miss you even more!!!!!!!! :)
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