Thursday, May 14, 2009

What HAPPENS in kindergarten STAYS with you forever

After 38 years of dedicated service to teaching, my Mom, Diane Durrant, is retiring. We went to her open house celebration at Barratt Elementary over the weekend and were amazed at how many lives she has touched. For years, I've viewed Diane as just my Mom without seeing the outreaching benefits of her being a teacher. Now that I am a Mother I understand what a blessing a teacher like my Mom is. She brings peace to a worried and teary eyed parent when they drop off their precious child on the first day of kindergarten. She encourages learning by making it fun. She compliments mistakes as a means of improvement. Her creativity keeps the students captivated. She molds students lives in a safe and positive environment. She professionally counsels with parents of struggling students and loves each and every child. Diane's peers view her a master teacher and hold nothing but admiration for her. Her sunny spirit shines through her students and co-workers brightening the entire school. Seeing their admiration and love for her was an awesome experience. What will Barratt Elementary do without Mrs. Durrant?

Time has flown by. This is Diane's class 25 years ago and my Mom today. Grace put the two pictures side-by-side and said, "What happened Grandma. You are so different now! What are you going to do now that you are REGULAR?"
For the past few years, my Mom has taught both the morning and afternoon kindergarten classes touching 60 - 70 young lives with inspiring energy each day. The above photo was taken on Halloween. I'm proud to say that Mrs. Durrant is the best dressed and funnest teacher each year. 
We were blessed by having Mrs. Durrant as Parker's kindergarten teacher. The foundation that she laid within him is priceless.
Her students say it best. Thank you, Mrs. Durrant!


Michelle said...

That was perfect! I agree 100%. I loved watching the master at work when I was her high school aid. She was so creative and good at what she did. What will they do without her?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all of the sweet comments! I have loved teaching and it has gone by so fast. I hope to still teach and be an influence for good in children's lives. I love them so! I was just thinking that I had both my children as aides as well as all of my nephews and my niece. How lucky I am. Again I love you and I know that Barratt will go on and on without me. They have one fabulous faculty of dedicated teachers. No one wants to ever leave that school:)

Liz Prisbrey said...

That is so awesome! What a great example she is the all the other teachers out there. I loved Grace's comment! Now that your REGULAR.... Kids really do put their teachers up on a pedestool. :-)


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